Breaking News




We inform you that we are looking for 3 motivated ECS volunteers for Asociación Marroqui (Para La Integración De Los Inmigrantes).

  • Location: Málaga (Spain)
  • Start: 01/10/2024
  • End: 30/08/2025
  • Duration: 8 MONTHS
  • Number of Vacancies: 3
  • Deadline to apply:  AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
  • This call is open to EU +NEIGHBOUR COUNTRIES

We will only consider application forms of responsible, motivated, and passionate candidates!

Take into consideration that it is an approved project-

Information about the project

The Asociación Marroquí para la Integración de Immigrants (Morocco Association for the Integration of Immigrants) carries out its activities in different fields such as:

  • Promote an inclusive integration of the immigrants who are subject of rights and duties in Spanish society through education, sensibilization and orientation.
  • Improve the knowledge of the people about the reality of this topic, promote programs of sensitization of the importance of immigration, prevent and avoid prejudices and change already existing attitudes like xenophobia y racism.
  • Guarantee equality with the native population concerning access to public services like health services, education, employment, housing, social services, and legal advice through strategies promoting voluntary activities.
  • Provide attention to immigrants, in particular to women, children and youth.
  • Protect rights and interests of foreign students and support relations between the students and teachers of the association.
  • Promote the development of intercultural mediation and language translation.
  • Perform activities within the framework of international cooperation that contribute to the development of countries of origin of immigrant population.




To facilitate the access to resources and services that permit immigrant people to integrate into the Spanish society through specific and customized resources aimed to help to our users to lower the level of their vulnerability and/or withstand the situation of social exclusion. We place the focus on immigrant people as we believe they are a vehicle of development both for the Spanish society and their countries of origin.



Our organization seeks to be a reference for the immigrants promoting their integration into the Spanish society and being recognized for its fight against every form of exclusion and for fostering the activities aimed at development of their areas of origin.


  • Coherence. Efforts to complement the activities aligned with our mission and constitutional vision coherent with our principles.
  • Respect for every person Without any kind of discrimination we include in and focus our activities on beneficiaries, volunteers, and professionals that contribute their own abilities to the problem resolution process.
  • Teamwork and unity. We are searching to reach the results through a combination of the skills of beneficiaries, local partners, and staff of the organization.
  • Professionalism. We prioritize the quality of our actions which makes us seek to improve the management capacity among all the people involved including staff, volunteers, and directive board aiming our work at reaching the impact and results.
  • Added value. We commit to contribute a differential value that transforms and multiplies the opportunities for persons and enables them to overcome or to respond to vulnerable cases.
  • Co-responsibility. To foster the participation and concentration of different social agents (public and private institutions) in social inclusion and development in order to spread their impact and include them into the problem resolution process.
  • Transparency and austerity. Having social good as a final objective we commit ourselves to manage responsibly the resources we dispose to accomplish our mission.
  • Inclusive participation. With every person´s and organization´s participation, we can reach common goals and change the environment that surrounds us.
  • Participación inclusiva. Con la participación de todo tipo de personas y organizaciones podemos alcanzar metas comunes y transformar el medio que nos rodea

The volunteer will participate in these activities:

All the volunteers once accepted will become a part of our team and will take place in all the projects of the entity. Our entity´s work is based on the projects and here you can see possible activities for this year. The volunteers once approved will undergo training on the activities of the entity before proceeding to work. All the volunteers once accepted will be able to participate in the activities that correspond to the projects they execute, please, consult our web or Facebook page

In short, some of the activities a volunteer would be able to carry out are as follows:

IMMIGRANT INTEGRATION PROGRAMS: offer attention to the immigrant population in order to promote its full integration in the Spanish society taking into account different identities and cultures. This program is seen as a comprehensive reception required for the attention to basic necessities and assist with integration. It starts form reception and often the monitoring of cases within the framework of a certain project is carried out. This kind of a project is normally aimed at helping with integration of immigrant people to the society.


  • To develop programs aimed at increasing resources and adapting them for the social integration of women-immigrants who struggle to reach the equality of treatment and opportunities.
  • Eradication of cases of discrimination that hold back free development of women´s abilities and their active participation in the society.


  • To accompany persons to resolve the administrative issues at public administrations and/or private entities, if necessary, as these persons face special difficulties of the access (language, displacement, illness or disability) or even if there might appear a problem in a moment of solving any situation.


  • English language course (in case if a volunteer is fluent): the association seeks to expand the abilities of the immigrants through English lessons which help to enter the labor market.
  • Arabic language course (if a volunteer is a native-speaker): aimed at the immigrants of the second generation (people from Morocco and other Arabic countries) in order to maintain their cultural roots.
  • Spanish language course (in case if a volunteer is fluent)
  • To prepare the material for lessons, to develop and to apply new techniques in teaching languages.
  • School support for the minors: in order to strengthen and equalize young immigrants and children who are lagging behind in school subjects that are difficult to study or understand. The objective is to prevent minors form missing an academic year and to help them to have an adequate academic performance and enable them to obtain a technical or professional education. The service is designed for all groups at risk of exclusion.
  • Basic computer science: classes of basics of computer science which goal is to teach how to use Office, look for the job on the job portals and perform various operations on the Internet.
  • Participate in all the activities of one of the most important projects of the entity which is called “programa nacional de prevención sobre la islamofobia” which is aimed at fighting with islamofobia. Please, consult the link to the project
  • To help the most vulnerable group of young people “Menores no acompañados” (young people without accompaniment) and “jóvenes inmigrantes extutelados” (ex-foster young people). We have been working for many years with this group and currently these young people have a flat.
  • Volunteer´s task would be to participate or to prepare workshops, talks, trainings and games for the aforementioned youngsters who require to be integrated into society; participation in activities of the association, accompaniment, and monitoring of personal development, building trust with this group of
  • To contribute to and to participate in our project “cobijando sueños”, which is basically a flat to accommodate young immigrants who are in a vulnerability condition.
  • Give English and French lessons.
  • To participate in campaigns for sensibilization organized during the whole year within different projects of the entity.
  • To participate in the process of designing posters, publishing campaigns, making videos etc.
  • Tasks related to communication area, participation in communication campaigns with the help of a person responsible for the communication.
  • To participate in our radio program  ”con mi acento” of Asociación Marroquí para la integración de los inmigrantes
  • Any volunteer, if he/she wishes, can take part in initiatives and create his own workshop, course or to contribute to the workhops already existing within the projects.
  • Intercultural projects with local and immigrate population
  • Participation in different daily activities, conferences and workshops organized by our association
  • Learn a new way of teaching to teenagers in situation of social exclusion
  • Participation in different activities directed to immigrate children like intercultural games, learn through history and story telling
  • Sensitization projects directed to the children of the education center of Malaga province
  • Our organization carries out projects financed by Malaga’s town hall and Andalusia’s assembly and other public and private organizations focused on issues of women in social exclusion; so the volunteer will have the chance to study the situation of these women and children
  • Programs directed to young people that before to becoming adults were represented by local government and now they are “homeless”; with this experience, the volunteer can study other reality and the situation of these young people.

So our organization is looking for volunteers to face other cultures and realities and contribute with new ideas. Besides, the volunteer will see how an association that makes possible the integration of immigrants with different methods works. The volunteers will be involved in our activities and be in contact with the local population, in particular young people.  So our association wished to work with European volunteers to promote foreign exchange and values like solidarity and tolerance to fight already existing discrimination and prejudices. We would like to welcome European voluntaries in our association with the coordination of the youth exchange association, organizer of the admission process. Our role will be to receive volunteers, provide training, information, and the space to carry out the activities, promote the training and culture exchange, make them participate in projects and programs carried out by the association. The organizing entity will be in charge of providing accommodation, support, language training and local transport.

Finally volunteers will learn new skills and their professional, cultural and personal development will be confirmed with a certificate.


Further information about the volunteers’ life

Volunteers could cook their meals by their own in their flats, they are going to receive 150 euros each month.

Volunteers are accommodated in rented flats shared with other ESC volunteers or young people. They will be provided with standard equipment and essential household goods. Electricity, water, gas will be covered by the hosting organization. Internet connection is not facilitated by the hosting organization.

The volunteer will have to make a 300 euros deposit that will be reimbursed once the project is ended and the volunteer leaves tidy, clean and with no damage in the private room and common areas.

Pocket money
Each volunteer will be given a monthly allowance of 180 euro for personal needs every day

Local transport
Every volunteer will have a chance to choose BIKE or BUS CARD if it needed, long-distance activities will be covered by hosting organization if is it needed.

Language support
Every volunteer is entitled to receive language support with an online platform, as stated in Erasmus+ program.

The volunteer will have the same holiday days as the rest of the association.

Training and support

  • The mentor will offer constantly his support and personal assistance to the volunteers.
  • Applicant organization/sending organization/hosting organization are responsible for the volunteer’s insurance, all the parties are obliged to get acquainted with the insurance rules.



Selection process




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