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We are an evs acreditated oprganization and weare coordinating differents projects in Málaga Province.

As outlined in the «Youth in Action» Programme Guide«, any organisation located in a Programme Country or in South East Europe wishing to send or host EVS volunteers or coordinate an EVS project must be accredited. Through their accreditation EVS organisations agree to adhere to the ‘EVS Charter’. Accreditation serves to gain access to EVS and to ensure a common quality standard in EVS. 
Organisations outside the Programme Countries and South East Europe can participate as project partners in EVS without accreditation.

European non-governmental organisation (ENGOs) located in Programme countries and international governmental organisations located in Programme countries are accredited by the Executive Agency. 
They may request one or more types of accreditation (as sending, as host, as co-ordinating organisation). 
From now on, they can submit an ‘Expression of Interest’, preferably in English, by post and by email,

Expression of Interest forms can be submitted at any time (no deadline). However, requests should be submitted within reasonable time before the submission of the EVS project application (at least 6 weeks before) in order to avoid that the EVS project is rejected due to some of the promoters involved not being accredited by the time the application is submitted. In case of approval the accreditation will have a validity of three years.

As part of the evaluation of accreditation applications, the Youth Unit will carry out a telephone interview with all applicants. The purpose of the telephone interview is to enable the Agency to supplement the information submitted in the Expression of Interest. It forms part of the process whereby the Agency evaluates the Expression of Interest documentation before reaching a decision whether or not to grant accreditation. It also gives the Agency the opportunity to highlight key points about which all accredited organisations should be aware. Applicants will have the opportunity to ask questions or for further information.



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